Romanesque Route (en) | Buildings

Basilica of St Wiperti, Quedlinburg

The church was built in the 12th century on the site of the royal court of Henry I. The choir and crypt date from the 10th century.

In the place of the first small hall church at the court of Henry I, a three-aisled basilica was built in 950, in which the crypt, which is still preserved today, was added subsequently (around 1000). It has remained unchanged, even after the rebuilding of the church in the 12th century.



Basilika St. Wiperti

06484 Quedlinburg

Gesonderte Postanschrift

Förderverein Wipertikirche Quedlinburg e. V. Neuendorf 4 06484 Quedlinburg


Mai bis Oktober
Mo. - Sa. 10 bis 12 Uhr und 14 bis 17 Uhr
So. 14 bis 17 Uhr

Ein barrierefreier Zugang ist vorhanden.