Romanesque Route (en) | Buildings

Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Zeitz

The towerless cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul is a landmark on the ‘Romanesque Road’ tourist trail and belongs to the Moritzburg. The oldest Romanesque feature is the 11th century hall crypt. The cloisters (1400) have survived for the most part.

The Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul is incorporated into the early-Baroque Moritzburg castle complex. It served as the main residence of the Dukes of Sachsen-Zeitz. Behind the Gothic façade of the Cathedral, the remains of the 11th century Romanesque collegiate church have been preserved. The crypt, the choir and major parts of the transept also date back to this church.



Dom St. Peter und Paul Zeitz

Schloßstraße 7
06712 Zeitz

Gesonderte Postanschrift

Dom St. Peter und Paus Zeitz Katholisches Pfarramt St. Peter und Paul Schloßstraße 7 06712 Zeitz


ab 01.05.24 Sommeröffnungszeit:
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(alle 14 Tage, jeweils in der ungeraden Kalenderwoche)

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